Organization | Feb 21, 2016 | Rich Ciaravella | 7526 views
Young Guns Spring Hockey Teams
Young Guns is pleased to announce that we will be fielding teams in various ages for spring hockey.
Young Guns Spring Hockey 2016
We are pleased to present the inaugural spring hockey teams for Young Guns Elite Hockey.
Our Goal:
1) To be THE BEST VALUE in the game - meaning proceeds from joining YG get out back into the program to develop players.
2)Ensure that by the end of the program all the players had a great time and want to get right back at it and play some more hockey!
Focus of Program
Young Guns will be focused on making sure the kids have an outstandingly fun time while developing individual and team skills. Spring hockey is a great way for the boys to get re-acquainted with some old friends that they used to play with or create new bonds and friendships with players from other teams.
Costing and what you will receive:
-6 hours of development sessions and practice time
- 3 tournaments
- Jersey and NHL style Socks
- Young Guns swag
Total Cost = $575
Invitation only
This year the Young Guns Spring Hockey program is by invitation only.
Please email the coach or YGEH executive with any questions.
Looking forward to having a great Spring Hockey Season in 2016!!!