Congratulations to two of our Young Guns Spring Hockey teams for winning the Tier 1 division Championships at the Toronto Bring Your Best Tournament...

The 2007 team coached by George Kirchmair and Steve Smith, went undefeated with a record of 6-0. They had 26 Goals for and 9 Goals Against for a dominating performance from start to end.

The 2005 team coached by Rich Ciaravella, Ken Rayner and Paul Millar had a record of 5-1. They had 25 Goals for and 17 Goals Against. After losing their first game to Vaughan, they got their redemption in the finals by beating them 2-1 to capture the Championship.
This was the third tourney for both these teams this spring, and they end off the spring season with a double whammy!
We are very proud of all the boys for their hard work and dedication to the program.
Congrats to both Teams!